Start Small, Dream Big

Apple is a great of example of starting small, dreaming big, and scaling fast without losing control. It took many Fortune 100 companies 20, 30, 40 or more years to get where they are. Most did it with a solid patent portfolio based on serious research.

Contact us for assistance in getting your dream to reality.


There are so many questions when you are starting out in business. There are a lot more questions than answers and some subjects like intellectual property are especially difficult. Most colleges do not have a course on the subject and unless you have worked in a large corporation the subject, the “legalese” and the strategies may not make sense. 

Our research can give you answers that will help you develop a strategy for getting the most out of your efforts to protect your business and build your brand.

Thankful in 2018

As an intellectual property professional, my day is filled with clients across the country, global data and world-wide new technologies. The Internet and conference calling keeps us connected, and allows us to accomplish things that couldn’t have been done in the 20th century. Though I have never met face-to-face many of the people I work with, I deeply appreciate everyone who has been a part of my professional development and business growth.

In contrast to the busyness of work, I enjoy the beauty and silence a frozen lake or a snow covered path. I’m happy to live in Wisconsin with its vast forests and pristine lakes (even if I still enjoy international travel). I hope you too enjoy moments of peace in the midst of busy schedules.

May you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Play on Words

Have you ever put your resume into a word cloud program like Wordle? I did, and the attached image is the result. I like this cloud since it sizes the words by frequency within the text. In my example I found that the key ideas were located in such a way as to associate ideas.

My cloud represents my key areas of expertise starting with patents as the key word. Patent searching, research and analysis are what I do best and patents are a great source of technical and competitive information. Good patent research along with market research are the basis for research-based decision making in business.

Other forms of intellectual property are also integral to innovation and new product protection. I work with inventors, entrepreneurs and business leaders to develop their intellectual assets; seizing opportunities and avoiding obstacles.

Intellectual property is above all business related. It comes into play for new, local or international business, offering competitive market advantage. Those who manage and leverage their intellectual assets gain the greatest benefit from their innovation efforts.

Try putting your LinkedIn profile or resume text into a word cloud program and see what key ideas emerge.