Research will help you answer questions such as the following.

Is my idea new and different?
Answers to this can be found in a “Technical and Competitive Assessment“. This research will find patent and non-patent references that are closest to the new product/service. You obtain technical, legal and competitor information, identifying opportunities and obstacles.

What are my chances of getting patent protection?
Once your invention is clearly defined, a “Patentability” or “Prior Art” search can be performed. It is the same search that the patent office examiner would perform. With these results, your patent attorney will be able to identify what is potentially patentable and you will have a better idea of your chances of obtaining patent protection.

There are similar products, will I have any problems with the competition?
A “Freedom to operate” or “Clearance” search will answer this question. This search identifies all patent references related to the product. An analysis of active and expired patents will help your attorney determine any risks.

I am thinking about a product in an area I am not familiar with. How can I know if has been thought of before and where my product fits in relation to others in this area? Is it worth my time to pursue this idea?
Very early ideas are often not fully developed or described in detail. You need to know what has already been done, where the technology is moving, who are the competitors, and whether there is an opportunity. A “Patent Landscape” can answer all of these questions and more.


At Fresco Services, we believe that success is built on a solid foundation of research.

Whether you are in independent inventor or a corporation, you need an innovation process and strategies that speed up innovation, maximize your return on investment and reduce business risks.

We have a proven research process
that can help you get to the cutting edge of technology and beyond.

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There are so many questions when you are starting out in business. There are a lot more questions than answers and some subjects like intellectual property are especially difficult. Most colleges do not have a course on the subject and unless you have worked in a large corporation the subject, the “legalese” and the strategies may not make sense. 

Our research can give you answers that will help you develop a strategy for getting the most out of your efforts to protect your business and build your brand.

Thankful in 2018

As an intellectual property professional, my day is filled with clients across the country, global data and world-wide new technologies. The Internet and conference calling keeps us connected, and allows us to accomplish things that couldn’t have been done in the 20th century. Though I have never met face-to-face many of the people I work with, I deeply appreciate everyone who has been a part of my professional development and business growth.

In contrast to the busyness of work, I enjoy the beauty and silence a frozen lake or a snow covered path. I’m happy to live in Wisconsin with its vast forests and pristine lakes (even if I still enjoy international travel). I hope you too enjoy moments of peace in the midst of busy schedules.

May you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Taking Patent Research to the Next Level

By DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Today many patent databases are publically available for research or corporate patent portfolio management. The IPO Patent Search Committee has published an article that will give you a quick overview of what is available at little or no cost and how these databases could be used.